Training opportunities
Personal and Professional development has become an increasingly important means to improve
performance and organisational effectiveness, thus leading to the creation of an inspired and
energised organisation. Thus, SAICA offers functional development opportunities such as short
courses, conferences, seminars and Continued Professional Development (CPD) sessions are focused
on the entire SAICA value chain and employees’ areas of specialisation to build required core and
functional capabilities to execute against our strategy.
Study Assistance
The pursuit of further education and training is crucial as it exposes employees to new developments
in their professional careers and it further broadens their knowledge base and helps them to derive
new ways of doing things in light of the vastly changing world of work. It is for this reason that
SAICA demonstrates commitment to promote employees’ personal and professional development through
creation of opportunities for employees to obtain recognised qualifications with various institutions
of higher learning. The commitment is demonstrated through the Study Assistance Programme which is equitably
accessible by all employees.
Professional Memberships
SAICA encourages employees to enhance knowledge and skills and to network with other professionals in their
respective fields of expertise thus improving potential for future opportunities impact in their professions
and potential future opportunities in the economy and the world of work. SAICA therefore recognises that for
development purposes, employees may need to join professional bodies/associations that will enable them to
remain abreast with standards and best practices in their respective career fields.
Coaching Programme
SAICA inculcates a coaching culture by coaching employees within the working environment thereby unlocking
their potential to ensure creation of a unified vision to ensure achievement of our business imperatives.
The programme is flexible and depends on the specific needs of a Coachee.
Leadership development
SAICA takes cognisance of the critical need for leadership collaboration in pursuit of providing the best
service for members across the SAICA value chain. Thus, SAICA runs leadership development programmes for its leaders.
The envisaged outcomes of the leadership development programmes is to ensure clarification of the leadership intent
for delivery of the SAICA strategy and to ensure that Managers to play a leadership role and model the way across SAICA.
Graduate Internship Programme
In addition to developing internal staff, an intensive cross functional Graduate/Internship Programme was rolled-out to
build capacity and talent supply especially in the areas where there are scarce and critical skills, thereby creating
opportunities for graduates to gain hands-on work experience in their respective areas of study. The programme was rolled
out as an Internship/Learnership under the auspices of FASSET for a period of 12-24 months.
Rewards and Recognition
SAICA incentivises performance and duly rewards employees who meet or exceed the organisation’s objectives.
This is done through performance-based incentives that are tied to the three organisational tiers namely individual
employee performance, divisional performance as well as overall SAICA performance.
Employee Engagement Survey
SAICA conducts annual Employee Engagement and Dipstick Pulse surveys to gauge employees' experiences within the organisation.
These surveys provide valuable insights into employees' priorities, highlight areas for improvement, and offer feedback on
SAICA's performance as an organisation. The overall goal of the Survey is to create an open, anonymous forum for SAICA Difference
Makers, enabling them to play their part in shaping the future of SAICA!